CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

For Freelancers, Short Term is Long Term

Explore Create Repeat – by 4ormat: As an independent contractor, you have no guarantees beyond the commitments you have in place right now. Your broader sense of freedom — compared to someone who works in an office — means you can dictate where your efforts will be spent each day. But it also means you have an ongoing responsibility to your bottom line and self-preservation. Your challenge is to find ways to not just get by today, but to thrive for years to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This article relates so much with the lecture we had from Joe Pino in Basic PTM on Wednesday, mainly the "Good Intentions are Costly" passage, explaining what to consider when working for free. The lecture focused very heavily on this, determining what kind of work you can and cannot afford to take. This article is something that I think would be important for anyone in our major to consider. For a lot of us, it is likely that we could end up working freelance or considering working freelance and this article presents some really important perspectives to consider. The section I could most connect to my life right now however, was "Fill Your Calendar." It explains that structure is important in productivity. Last summer was the least structured summer I have ever had. Going in, that made me think I could work on a lot of personal projects and that I would accomplish a lot. But without structure, its much harder to motivate myself to work on those things and budget my time to different tasks. This summer, I hope that having more structure will allow me to achieve more summer goals.