CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 25, 2014

5 Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund on Tools

ToolGuyd: If you will be receiving a nice sized tax refund this year, there are a few things you could do with it. You could pay any outstanding debts, contribute to your retirement fund, or pad your savings account. Or you could go on a fun outing, mini vacation, or out to a nice dinner.

1 comment:

Philip Rheinheimer said...

I really like mindset behind this article. Do you really *need* that new tool or fancy addition to your EDC that you know you don't really need but could be useful? Probably not but what the hell, get it anyway. Splurge on a new tool or upgrade what you already have. Yeah you could save the money but where's the fun in that? You should treat yourself to something new every once in a while so why not make it something awesome that "will bring a smile to your face every time you use it?" Not to mention that those Zero Tolerance knives look really awesome.