CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are the Arts Irrelevant to the Next Generation?

Miller-McCune: Are you concerned about the future of the fine arts? New research from Norway suggests you have every right to fret.
A study just published in the journal Poetics suggests art forms such as literature and classical music “are becoming increasingly more irrelevant for most students’ cultural lives.” This points to “an increasingly precarious position for traditional highbrow culture,” according to a trio of researchers led by the University of Bergen’s Jostein Gripsrud.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

At fist I was hoping that could be said about this article was that, maybe its not decreasing just changing and that people are still interested in the classics. And in a way that is true it is changing; jazz/classical to rock/pop classic books to crime and mystery. But I can agree with the author that, now the classics are held somewhat on a pedestal and perceived as high art. It still makes me sad because I love opera at least. For some reason I have always loved it and I wish that I could convey what I see and hear, so that others could love it as well.