CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 31, 2011

City moving ahead on streetlight improvements

Post Gazette: "Pittsburgh City Council today moved forward with a project to set new lighting standards and overhaul the city's streetlights.
Council gave preliminary approval to the city's first-ever lighting code, which Councilman Bill Peduto said will set technical specifications for streetlights and bring equity in lighting to city business districts and neighborhoods.


Charles said...

Often times I wonder if cities move to quickly to jump on technology... I understand that somewhere in the country a city has to make "the first move" to adopt new technology and try implementing it full scale. But maybe there is a better way than spending taxpayer money. I mean, sure LEDs are all hot now. But I have high hopes for plasma lamps, the kind in the Seachanger NEMO. So maybe it's a waste to put in 3,000 new LED street lights... Or to spend over a million dollars on street lights at all. But what do I know, I've never seen the reports.

AJ C. said...

I agree with charles. It seems ridiculous to want to replace 3,000 lights with LED street lights and spend such a large amount of money. Lighting technology is changing so fast and even LEDs are improving. I feel like they can spend money on something more relevant at least for a couple of years. The LEDs might be green, but there are worse things that need to be focused on. Keeping up Port Authority transit would be a good one!