CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Perfectly Perpendicular Holes Without A Drill Press


"The next time you’re away from your drill press and need to drill perpendicular holes, grab one of these plastic drill guides. They’re little jigs that make it easy to drill perpendicular holes on the face and edges of flat boards, center holes on round stock, and even drill straight through the center of spheres."


BWard said...

Again, another useful tool accessory that can be easily hand-made. It's an interesting idea, i think the shop should make a few... I can think of a few instances where one of these would have saved quite a bit of time.

dmxwidget said...

It would be nice for a jobsite location where there is little access to full shop machines. It would be handy to have when doing load-ins in a theatre where the shop is in a different location, or on a construction site where there is less likely to be a drill press. This might also be handy for the prop department in smaller schools or theatres.

Anonymous said...

We should make one of these specifically for 1 inch box tube, I spent a few calls when I was in metals drill-pressing them, which takes a while, even jigged up, because the pieces are long and you have to avoid other people. I've seen ones that grab the actual drill body, instead of having the bit slip in them, and work kind of like a plunge router, which saves wearing the bit.

S said...

I agree with Brian, definitely seems like something that could be fabricated in your own shop. Wish we had made some last year for Sideshow, would have made the drilling a lot quicker, well maybe.