CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Watch construction cranes come to life and dance in a fun light show There are 42 tower cranes working together to build a brand new city district for more than 20,000 people in Vienna, Austria. It's the biggest construction site in Europe right now. But it's not always work work work for the cranes, they get to dance in a fun light show on their off day.


Philip Rheinheimer said...

This is really pretty bizarre but it's also nice to see someone turning construction and industry into art. The parts during the day are a little strange and I would have liked to have seen more of the night sequences. The other thing that would have been nice to see would have been some not sped up shots of the night stuff. I assume the night sequences were choreographed since most of the crane were moving in synchronized patterns. Overall this is just a really cool idea and I would like to see more.

AeonX8 said...

Very cool. Although I am more taken in by the footage of daily construction than the colored light night show. I have long had an obsession with craney-scoopy-guys (excavators), which to me appear as prehistoric creatures for a modern era. Even at rest, I find it easy to anthropomorphize them, with their heads (buckets) asleep against the asphalt. While construction cranes may not tug as strongly for my adoration, this video certainly brings them to life. And I loooooooooove the music. The video also made me want to find out about Aspern… I am simultaneously intrigued and disturbed. Sounds too good to be true (although I hope it is not), and that they might spike the water with SOMA (I suppose this could be bad or good depending on how you filter reality). Decide for yourself: