CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Puppet Master

CMU: "I'm really glad that I'm at CMU because it's actually acceptable — if not encouraged — here to pursue new and innovative directions with things, even if they may not make sense to anyone but you," Correll said. "Case in point: where else could I have brought the robotics and drama departments together to do a full-length robot play?"


Unknown said...

Well, this show is news to me...It looks really interesting! I can't wait to see how this turns out. Plus HERB is so cute! He'll make a brilliant star. I do have to wonder though, if we get more robots onstage, will there not be a time when human actors are completely replaced by robot actors as technology advances and makes them more human like? Will we even need humans to do anything? Or will the robots just take care of our every need? Giving robots intelligence is a risky business if you ask me. I clicked a link off of this article to look more into HERB and it turns out that they are also developing another robot that will be capable of simple tasks while the programming things are not perfect, but shouldn't we leave it so that they aren't perfect? I mean, are we trying to create an artificial race or are we trying to make butler robots? You can't have both.

AnnaAzizzyRosati said...

This is awesome. I'm really interested in puppetry, so it's neat to see that someone at our university is exploring how puppetry, theater, and technology can work together. I looked around her website, and found she has some really amazing work, including toy design! Her toys were designed to "teach blind children about microbiology through touch." really really incredible and creative work.

Thomas Ford said...

This is really cool. I find puppets fascinating, and I think what she's doing with HERB is really interesting. I also think that having a robot in a play is a cool concept. I't's definitely something that I'd be interested in seeing. I had no idea that this was part of centennial, and now I'm really excited to see it in April. Also, "All in the Timing" would be a great show to have a robot in. I wonder if robots are going to have a bigger presence in theatre in the future.

Trent Taylor said...

This sounds like the exact type of thing that Joe Mertz wants to be doing. I think that its great that she was able to so successfully bring together robotics and drama. I have long been a fan of robotics used in entertainment such as audio animatronics. I thing when a designer uses these types of things as opposed to live actors, a whole world of possibilities is opened up, just because there does not need to actually be a person there. This is one of the things that I most love about CMU and one of the reasons that I decided to come here, that we have a unique ability to bring art and technology together.

Unknown said...

This is awesome!!!! This is innovative and amazing!!!! What is beginning show here is hoe theater is taking new technology and just running wild with it. Who would have thought that this form of puppetry would ever exist. I also agree that I could see CMU working on taking this project to the next level making HERB more of star.