CMU School of Drama

Friday, June 21, 2013

Can Theatre Help Us to Better Understand the Elderly? Despite the regular way it ticks by, time doesn’t always seem to move at a logical pace. Days blur gradually from one to the next, yet it can also feel like years have escaped in a sudden flash. This paradox of time is central to Sprat Theatre Company’s One Day in the Life of Henri Shnuffle, which is currently transporting audiences to the experience of time for the elderly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The life of the elderly, I think, is rarely a topic of discussion amongst Broadway, Off-Broadway, and Off-Off-Broadway shows, and I think it is good for the public and for theatre in general to dive into this subject. My sister minored in Aging Studies while in college and has told me numerous experiences she has had with elderly patients and what they go through. The process she has said is truly unique and hard to describe. It is very bittersweet, often more bitter than sweet. My great aunt has Alzheimer's and it is interesting that Allison Meier describes the show as reminiscent of sitting with your grandparents on a long afternoon. I experience this every time I visit her, and even though the character of the show does not have this disease, they are still reliving memories of their past and just watching time pass by, which I feel like I see a lot in my great aunt. This show could be especially important because in my upcoming generation, we tend to be inconsiderate and uninterested in our grandparent's history, but there is so much to learn. It is awesome to see theatre taking on topics such as this more and more.