CMU School of Drama

Saturday, June 29, 2013

At The Movies, The Women Are Gone

Monkey See : NPR: I live in the D.C. metro area, which is a very good place to find films. If you don't live in New York or Los Angeles, it's about the best you can do. I'm within 10 miles of a multiplicity of multiplexes, not to mention four theaters I would consider "art house" theaters or at least mixes of wider-appeal fare and smaller stuff. According to Fandango and some back-of-the-envelope math, excluding documentaries and animation, there are 617 movie showings today — that's just today, Friday — within 10 miles of my house. Of those 617 showings, 561 of them — 90 percent — are stories about men or groups of men, where women play supporting roles or fill out ensembles primarily focused on men.

1 comment:

Izzy P. said...

This topic is always in the back of my mind but thank you to the person who finally did the calculations. Even though these stats must be changing on a daily or at least weekly basis because movies are constantly opening and closing, I doubt that the number change by much. People always say that women are not equally represented in the entertainment business but now that I am aware of the numbers, I wish there was something that I could do. Sadly there really isn't anything we can do other than hope more screenwriters write more movies for women and that producers decide to produce these movies. We can only hope that the higher-ups of the movie business realize the unacceptable trend that is happening throughout their industry.