CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

World's Tallest, Most Expensive Fountain In Sparkling Action

Gizmodo: "As you would expect, the world's tallest fountain is in Dubai. As you would expect, it's next to the world's tallest building. And as you would expect, it's as naff as everything else in there.
The Dubai Fountain—which was recently finished by the Burj Dubai—can reach 492 feet up in the air."


C. Ammerman said...

As much as the concept of a fountain that shoots water 492' into the air hurts my brain some, I would really love to what kind of parts they used to make it accomplish this feat. Given that the Walkway to the Sky installation on campus is about 100' tall, I find myself picturing some kind of water shooting device that belongs more in an evil genius eco-friendly plot to take over the world rather then in a fountain located of the dessert.

Brian Alderman said...

That is awe inspiring, and on epic proportions. You can watch this and be spell bound numerous times. But there are two thoughts i have on it. First is, "why do they ALWAYS use that song!!!". The fountain at the Bellagio uses it as well, and i just don't get it. With such a versatile medium, you could so so many varied, incredible things on it. The second thought is how irresponsible environmentally this is. It takes enormous amounts of energy to shoot water that high, not to mention the fact that this is in the desert. Where does all that water come from??

Elize said...

When I watched this video nothing went through my head other than 'so pretty'. They looked like magical dancing flowers. However on closer inspection I agree with Brian. That song is used for everything. They could have picked something a little more specific to the place or the people or god forbid, something happy.

Robert said...

This is an amazing thing on video and in its description. I have seen the fountains in Vegas and they are amazing how they work. Also when these fountains go off so many people come and see it in Vegas I wonder if it is the same in Dubai. It is amazing how the water moves and every thing and how berth taking it is. I wonder if wet design is in development of any other major fountains in the world and if they will be bigger and more advance then this one and what location would have it since they are so expsive. So ya this is am amazing thing that they had made.

Sonia said...

This fountain is of course incredibly beautiful. The time and effort that must have gone into creating such a masterpiece is mind boggling. However, it raises the question of why they would go about building this, or rather more appropriately, why not spend ALL THAT MONEY on something more beneficial for the entire community. I mean Im sure that it brings in a good chunk of tourist business, but I really feel that that it sould have been used for something more constructive

arosenbu said...

i agree that the time and money on this project could have been better spent elsewhere. However, I cannot help but think of the awesome mechanics that were put into place to make it work. The pressure required to shoot the water almost 500 ft in the air must be remarkable. And seemingly unsafe. I wonder what safety precautions went into place. I hope nothing ever causes it to erupt by accident.

MONJARK said...

Pieces like this are why I want to be an artist. When looking at this video, the first thing everyone says is, wow, that is beautiful. It is unquestionably art, but what makes it is not paint, charcoal, or clay, but technology. High pressure water guns, lights, and projectors make this art possible. I find the manipulation of these mediums to be exciting, interesting, and fascinating. If I ever had the chance to design a song using this medium, I would jump on it very fast.

dmxwidget said...

The fountain is way to get around it. Looking at some other videos it is much better at night. One feature that could make the fountain even more amazing is the inclusion of even more color to the show. Even though there is already some in there, it just seems like an overlooked feature that could be an easy eve catching move on the companies part. Although it may have been requested to be just seems like more could have been done.

Unknown said...

It's amazing now what what we can do with the technology we have. I agree with Charley: I would like to see how exactly it is that this thing functions. I can only imagine that each individual pipe is controlled individually hence the shapes that they were able to accomplish with it. Its amazing how studying a great amount of separate variables at once may be used to find the collective trends that are going to influence stock or make great works of art like this.