CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Kids' Night on Broadway, Slated for February 2010, on Sale Starting Nov. 9

Playbill News: "The Broadway League announced that tickets go on sale Nov. 9 for participating shows in the February 2010 Kids Night on Broadway, the program that allows kids ages 6 to 18 to see Broadway shows for free when accompanied by a full-paying adult."


Ariel Beach-Westmoreland said...

I think that Kids' Night is a wonderful way to introduce younger generations to the theater world. Since younger children are very visual and at a time when everything seems so much more grand, seeing Broadway is a great way for a child to fall in love with theater. Also, especially with the new economic climate, it has become harder for a lot of parents to take their kids out to see art. By allowing these children to see shows for free, they get to experience theater in one of it's (mostly) greatest forms.

Robert said...

This is an amazing event showing how great Broadway is. Letting kids come to see a show for free that is such a great idea get the kids hooked to theater at a young age and then you will have them or a life time and the small amount of money that they lose know is a small amount and in the long run theater will live on. The theater biasness always has to look for ways to get the kids hooked on theater and get them to get there parents to bring them with. I think that it is great of them to think have to have a parents go with them and pay or a full priced ticket so the amount of money that they are losing is some what smaller and that they don’t have a ton of little kids ruining arrowed with out parents. I just think that the amount of time they are doing this is not long enough in my opione. But it is great none the less.

Chris said...

This is are really great event designed by the Broadway League and its collaborators. While giving free tickets to Broadway shows is important enough to give kids a chance to see shows and have an experience that they may not have the resources to have otherwise participated. The other events scheduled are equally as interesting, possibly engaging many kids who are not always easy to impress. The special edition of playbill is also an interesting addition to the program. Hopefully, it will bring interest and enlighten many young theater enthusiasts to the process of putting on a show. It is really nice to see this many groups getting together and working toward educating the younger generation about theater and increasing the theater going crowd.

Elize said...

This is a great program that just like the article says, will hook kids for life. Many of them will be hooked on seeing plays and most of the people in Purnell will tell you that they're here because they saw and were impressed by theater as a child. Kids night is a way to keep our careers alive. What could possibly be bad about that?

tiffhunsicker said...

This really is a great way to involve and introduce children to the art of live theatre. Many kids never get this type of opportunity, and I think it's great that a program like this has been created to give the incentive for kids to get an experience with this type of art.

Andrew said...

This kid's night is wonderful. People really need to take advantage of this, considering the large number of productions available. It's a great commercial move for Broadway (getting those kids hooked early so they'll get their money forever!), but also great for them to be able to see shows and have them exposed to theatre.

People need to see theatre, even in this tough economic situation. I'm glad to see that more opportunities are becoming available, especially if one can't afford to take a whole family to a show. Good luck to these broadway shows, and good luck to all the other businesses around broadway that will get lots of business during Kids Night.

SParker said...

I think this is a great idea, because it really gives the opportunity for kids to get a look into Broadway in a way that's catered for them, through things like a kid's Playbill. It also encourages parents to take their children to performances since the ticket price is lowered. By doing something like this, they might open their kids up to new experiences and opportunities at a young age, and might actually get them really interested. I wish I'd have had an opportunity like this when I was younger. On a side note, I'm very suprised to see some of the participating shows, particularly Hair, and I wonder about the appropriateness for younger children.