CMU School of Drama

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Health Care Tops Actors' Political Concerns

Backstage: "Outsiders often accuse those working in the entertainment industry of caring more about their own material well-being than about the greater good. But many actors' concerns about their country run parallel to their concerns about their careers. With the California and New York primaries set for Feb. 5, many left-leaning thespians are getting involved or at least pondering their preference for certain candidates, while weighing the key issues that impact them because of their profession."


Anonymous said...

I had read briefly that IATSE had endorsed Clinton, but I didn't know the reason was because Obama hired non union stagehands. What a faux-pas for a democratic candidate.

Unknown said...

The whole IATSE thing sounds a bit ridiculous. But as long as they vote for a democrat...

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty ridiculous that IATSE is endorsing the soulless Clinton because Obama's camp messed up and later apologized for it. It's not like Obama personally made the decision to use non-union stagehands.

I'm sure someone got fired for that..

Dave said...

I agree that the IATSE thing is a little ridiculous. I wouldn't expect 98% of people in this country to even know that IATSE exists. Getting mad at someone (who later apologized) for someone working for them booking at a venue not using IATSE workers is a little ridiculous. I don't think, when campaigning for president, what union works backstage is on your mind much more than what union cleans the facilities or who is in charge of valet parking.