CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are You an Email Addict?

Telegraph newspaper online: "It is one of the great modern paradoxes that we crave this constant connection while feeling so disconnected. I'm guilty of initiating desultory e-conversations ('any gossip?' 'no, me neither'), I suppose for that elusive sense of being part of things. OK, mainly to put off doing some work."


jeannie_yun said...
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jeannie_yun said...

It's very hard to admit an addiction in this such an exposed world. Yes, I am compulsively, obsessively addicted to emails. I can't let go of the need to check every ten minutes, I need to check it before I go to bed, and after I wake up in the morning. E Mail and I have a very dedicated and special relationships. We cannot live without one another. Maybe I should shave my head to avoid all the tests like Britney did.