CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 09, 2015

50 Philanthropists - Sutton Foster

T&C: As a teenager in suburban Detroit in the early 1990s, Sutton Foster had nimble feet and a big voice, but without good teaching would she have gone on to win two Tony awards (and been nominated for three others)? Not according to her.


Bronwyn Donohue said...

What I love about CMU being in collaboration with the Tonys is that without our teachers we would never have ended up here. We may have the passion, but someone had to instill it in us and tell us theatre is a possibility. I know that without my two high school directors, theatre teachers, and mentors, not only would I not be here but I would never have gotten involved in theatre in the first place. I think that teachers are the unsung heroes and that it is completely wonderful that they are finally being recognized.

54-102 :: A

Sasha Mieles said...

I have only met Sutton Foster once, and when I met her, she was a terrible person. She was not a philanthropist in the least bit. She walked on stage, stopped the entire show in order to bow and blow kisses to the audience, and then she got into character. What kind of a self-centered, egotistical person stops in the middle of a Broadway show in order to get praise? The audience wasn’t even clapping for her when she stopped the show… I will admit that she is extremely talented and has gone very far in her life, but why in the world does she have such a large ego. Also the fact that she went to CMU makes me feel slightly ashamed. I like the fact that this school tries to make people less egotistical, but she seems to have slipped through the crack from the idea of taking the ego out of the work.