CMU School of Drama

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Nine Young Theatrical Designers Win 2013 USITT Awards

Briefingroom on LiveDesignOnline: Nine up-and-coming entertainment designers from colleges around the nation will receive USITT Awards for Young Designers & Technicians in the Performing Arts, the United States Institute for Theatre Technology announced this week. The awards will be presented at USITT’s 2013 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Milwaukee March 20-23, an event that draws over 5,000 people.


simone.zwaren said...

I am really into the support USITT has for up and coming artists. It is great that some of the award winners are from CMU, it makes me proud. The schools that these students come from are clearly the top institutions, and I love that one is CMU. It also seems like a great way to be further educated and get ones name out there. I really want to attend one of the USITT annual events. Some day.

Unknown said...

As Simone says, it's great to see that two out of the nine awards were given to people affiliated with CMU. Not only does it reinforce my decision to attend the program, it gives me motivation to really try and develop my skills to rise to the level of these extremely talented people. It is really great for USITT to give these people the recognition that they deserve.

Unknown said...

Like Simone and Dan both said I am extremely proud to go here even more so than before. I think this is a wonderful way for people to jump start their careers and is such an honor to receive an award. I think this is a great service/program USITT has and hope that they will be able to continue the program to allow artists who excel to get their names out there.