CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Lifehack Challenge: 24 Hour Digital Fast

Stepcase Lifehack: "Are you too connected? Have you handed too much time over to ever-present technological marvels that offer charming reasons to take up every moment of your life? If you,
* Reach for your phone the moment you wake up
* Check your email while still working on a reply
* Have ever silenced your child or ignored a loved one’s voice so you could pay attention to “internet friends”
* Can’t go more than 30 seconds of silence without breaking out a mobile device
There’s a good chance you might be suffering from over-connectedness. What’s the solution? For many, a little time away from the madness is all it takes to regain a healthy perspective and jump back in with a smile."


A. Surasky said...

I think this a great idea to do once in a while. We all get wrapped up in all this technology that surrounds us today, and it's nice to disconnect. Especially on a nice days like the ones Pittsburgh has been getting recently, it's nice to spend a carefree day just enjoying yourself, and not be constantly bothered by constant interruptions from e-mail, phone, etc. You can just go read a book, lay out in the sun, and chill out.

CBrekka said...

This sounds like an absolutely AMAZING idea. I definitely go through days where I realized that I've been listening to music constantly or watching the news, etc. and then when I finally turn everything off, wow it's a totally different feeling.

This is definitely something I plan on doing during Carnival. Packing and baking brownies, here I come!

aquacompass said...

If I had the ability to do this, hell yes, I would. There are times over the summer when its possible. When I'm only working somewhere that doesn't require me to take my work home with me, or have a set schedule I don't need to alter have I found I've been able to do this. Even on vacation now, the opportune time to be able to do this, I find that I can't a way to digitally disconnect. Either I've got to call my friends and family to locate each other, pull up directions, make a reservation, etc. I hope I can find a few days this summer to just unplug and get off the grid....

Brian Alderman said...

This is a great idea! I love doing this occasionally, especially the first day or two of any break. I've experienced this disconnected phenomenon while traveling abroad, as my cell phone doesn't work as well so I don't bother turning it on. It allows me to enjoy the traveling and the places that I go that much more.
I find it ironic however that this article refers you to their facebook page for more tips and to get involved in the 24hr digital fast. I guess that's just a sign of how we communicate.

David Beller said...

I think that in the world we live in today, where people are glued to their PDA’s, cell phones, and laptops, making sure to remove yourself from them is very important. I believe that even more important that taking 24 hours off technology, is finding time during each day to do things not connected with technology.

Because most of the work that I have to do for school and production work makes use of a computer, being able to go home and not interact with my laptop is a goal. I would rather stay at school, get the work done that I need to, so that I can enjoy being away from technology that we are around all day.