CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

AutoCAD 2010 and new Exchange Site Launched

The CAD Geek Blog: "Among Shaan’s posts was one talking about an all new AutoCAD community site named the AutoCAD Exchange. The site already has a lot of content, and will naturally grow with time. In fact one of the things we (bloggers) did in San Francisco was record a number of videos for the new AutoCAD Exchange. If you’re so inclined, go visit and play a game of “Where’s The CAD Geek” to find the videos of yours truly on the new AutoCAD Exchange :-)"

1 comment:

MichaelSimmons said...

I'm starting to hate AutoCAD's updates. Creative programs update every year, adding new features, but it seems like they never take enough time to work out all the bugs on every new feature. So you have autocad 2006, you wait 3 years and then decide to update to 2009? it's like having to learn a new program! why can't they update like an operating system does? work a few years on a new update, and then release it. not shoot out something new every year.