CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chihuahua Unemployed as `Legally Blonde' Closes Arts and Culture: "The credit crunch has claimed an unlikely victim: an emotive Chihuahua named Chico."


MBerger said...

I wish I could say this surprises me, but it does not. What is slightly creepy is the almost predictive nature many of us had when discussing the closing of Xanadu. This show seemed to be one of the next likely candidates, although it was a very rapid decision. I would only reiterate how scary this is for those of us hoping to emerge into this industry. In a country with such a failing economy, entertainment is rapidly becoming one of the first things to go. Hopefully we can bounce back from this and bring Broadway back stronger than ever.

Katherine! said...

This is so sad. Stupid economy making all these shows close. It doesn't surprise me that these are the shows to go but it is still sad. Hopefully the economy doesn't claim to many more shows. The lights need to shine on Broadway.

Anonymous said...

What scares me isn't the closings, but the fact that Xanadu moved up the date until Sunday is kind of disturbing. To be frank, I'm more concerned about the actors and crews employed by the shows than a Chihuahua. But I guess one has to show the non-human side of the economic collapse as well.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg usually reports only on serious national issues. The fact that this article is even being seen on this blog is really disturbing. I don't think that it really is a big deal that the chihauhau is going to have to find another job now. This show still has a national tour, and probably more coming after that, so I don't think that it is completely dead.

Jacob Jimenez said...

I find this article just a tad little ridiculous. The article is about a chihuahua that's unemployed? I mean, I'm sorry to the investors, but this article has a tendency to slightly lower the I.Q. On another note, it sucks that these shows have to keep on closing due to the economy, but hopefully it'll get better.