CMU School of Drama

Monday, May 02, 2022

Negotiations Continue for Modified Hollywood COVID Safety Protocols

The Hollywood Reporter: Negotiations will continue next week regarding modifications to Hollywood’s COVID-19 Safety Agreement, which expires this weekend (April 30). The protocols in the current agreement between the industry’s major guilds and studios will remain in place until a new agreement is reached.

1 comment:

DMSunderland said...

I really hope we can have covid behind us by the time we get to the fall. But I think the reality is that we will be dealing with covid through the rest of my time here. So until graduation 2024. It's sad to think about. But you know, at least things aren't as bad as they used to be. If people just kept up on being vaccinated and were mindful about masks until the damn thing was gone we would be out of this boat by now. But at this point I think a lot of us are just used to all of this, and that is why covid will be sticking around. The complacency is going to cause it to keep spreading back and forth until it's modified enough that it has stopped killing it's host.

I'm very done with it but maybe I will actually be able to walk for my Masters degree, unlike my Bachelor's.