CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Disney Is Teaching Robots How to Sculpt With Clay Robots might have already taken over industries like manufacturing, but when it comes to more creative endeavors, like the arts, humans still hold a strong lead. But for how long? Disney’s researchers have created a system that allows human artists to teach aspiring robotic Michelangelos how to sculpt clay using tools to mimic various artistic styles.


Katie Pyzowski said...

I hate this. This is the next level in corporations trying to eliminate having to pay artists, and it sits pretty icky in my gut that out of everyone to develop this technology, it’s Disney, a massive corporation that should be able to pay artists an appropriate wage for these services. I might not hate this as much if it wasn’t a human face they were sculpting, because a human face is something that is so organic and unique. There is so much training and skill and talent and craft in becoming a skilled sculpture, and eliminating all of that with science and technology puts a bad taste in my mouth. However, I do think the tool-pathing process is kind of cool. It’s pretty neat that the tool-pathing process also calculates the optimum position for the crafting arm. I guess I can understand the use of this technology to create identical prototypes, but if you’re choosing this machine over paying a person an appropriate amount, I don’t think I can get behind it.

Josh Blackwood said...

Ahh the robot. This time it is proving that even an artist is not safe from the reaches of technology. I read articles all the time about how robots are killing manufacturing jobs as well as other blue-collar jobs. This is something that should not be pursued. I don’t want a sculpture that was done by a robot, I want a sculpture that was done by a real live artist (or at least one who lived). This is just another indication that if something can be done cheaper, then do it and save us money. It doesn’t matter that it will eventually put real human artists out of work. If it makes the company money, go for it right? Wrong. Not everything should be automated. Automating the arts makes the arts no longer relevant. It puts artists from all facets of the industry out of work. Why pay for the years of training for an artist when some geek sitting in their parent’s basement could just write some code and have a robot do the same thing? If you look at history, art, music, literature, sculpture, painting, theatre, all of these helped change the world. The only change you’ll get from robots is the death of the creative mind.