CMU School of Drama

Monday, August 29, 2016

In a Perfect World: Part Two

Dimmer Beach: Last week I left off talking about how you may have rolled off one gig and headed straight on to another gig. Let’s pick it up right there, shall we?

You are coming home from one gig and your next one is prepping.

Guess what? You should be in the shop to prep.

1 comment:

Alex Fasciolo said...

If you haven’t, it’s worth going back to the first installment of this article and read that for context, because each have some different insights, but both have a good message. Boiled down, to me, these messages are: 1) be present and involved, even if you don’t necessarily want to be 2) don’t spend your time complaining when things aren’t perfect, because things are never perfect.

While I think the first message is a good one, lack of that sort of willingness to be involved is not what I perceive to be the more common issue with how things roll in Purnell than the complaining about how things could be going so much better if only (insert problem here). Now while I (maybe especially) enjoy acknowledging problems, it doesn’t help you if you do a post mortem before a show is done, it only gets in the way of the only thing that matters in that moment; finding a solution to the problem that’s in front of you.