CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Stepping Into The Digital Console World

Pro Sound Web: Ready to migrate into the digital world?

Purchase any digital console and mix better, faster, and more confidently than ever before.

Read the marketing hype and it’s easy to believe this, but the truth is every console is unique in its workflow, functionality, and complexity. Further, what’s right for one venue might be wrong for another.


Chris Calder said...
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Chris Calder said...

The dawn of the digital age, creeping across every field of theatre as companies begin to come out with more advance products for every possible venue. Although I still see a lot of places using analogue consoles as their primary mixing devise it is almost more common to see either a hybrid console or a full digital console. Right before I graduated, my high school purchased a brand new mixing board, which was quite the adjustment from our old analogue board. The adjustment was a challenge and I can’t help but agree with the article when they say, “Beware of Overkill”. Not only was the board we purchased way to advanced for our needs, but also I wouldn’t be surprised if we only utilized half the function it offered. The problem that I faced was that no one was able to train me, and even if there was they would have known as little as I did. Some of these boards have such a complex layering system that if you so much as have one bug you have to run an entire systems check to find the problem, and in theatre no one has that kind of time.