CMU School of Drama

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Founder’s Curse

Butts In the Seats: We here at Butts In The Seats blog, (okay, me), are not afraid to admit when we may have been wrong. This summer, Elizabeth Schmidt, wrote a piece on Non-Profit Quarterly challenging the myth of the Founders Syndrome. There have been times in the past when my posts have played into the notion that Founders tend to hold their organizations back in various ways.

1 comment:

rmarkowi said...

This is an interesting topic because I think we see this sort of founders-keepers scenario a lot. I would argue, just as the article does, that the issue does not exist in all companies with a founder at their head. But I can certainly see how this could occur. The founder has some sort of vision of how he/she wants things run, even if it's not the best way to run things. I think this is also present in our lives here as drama students. Often times I see people who start group projects, and those people often like to stick with their ideas, and not listen to other people.