CMU School of Drama

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Producers and Set Designer to Get Lifetime Achievement Tonys The theater producers Bernard Gersten and Paul Libin and the set designer Ming Cho Lee will receive lifetime achievement honors at this year’s Tony Awards, the organizers of the event have announced.


rmarkowi said...

I saw War Horse at the Lincoln Center theatre, and it was amazing. These people absolutely deserve lifetime achievement awards, and I think it's very interesting to see what they have done. This is why I love theatre; people can get lifetime achievement awards for doing these amazing shows and amazing designs. Cheers to them!

simone.zwaren said...

As someone who went to school a block away from the Lincoln Center Theater I can really say that there have been some wonderful productions there. South Pacific and War Horse, the two the article names, were absolutely spectacles and incredibly well received. I also know, just from being around there all the time, that South Pacific had a pretty long run, maybe even for a show in that venue. (I see a lot of shows in and out of Lincoln Center). The shows that are put up there are such icons, and theater people in that area, namely myself, look up to Lincoln Center as a possible goal for the future.

DPSwag said...

When it comes to the Lifetime Achievement Award for the Tony's, I often wonder what criteria a candidate has to meet in order to be considered and chosen for such an honor. When do you do enough remarkable things for theater to be recognized for you body of work? I've also often wondered if stage managers have ever received this award, what with everything they do and not getting any award for "Best Stage Management" like the rest of the designers and directors. Congratulations to all these men, I'm glad people like them have existed and been a part of and passionate about theatre for so long.

Unknown said...

I agree, these three definitely deserve that award. Lincoln Center's productions are fantastic, and like Simone, it is a goal for the future. The shows are memorable and deserve the spotlight. I am also very excited that Ming Cho Lee will be receiving the award. He has been an inspiration to me not just design-wise but also what he says about theatre. He once talked about how theatre has little effect on changing certain aspects about the world, even though we like to think we do help change the world. Instead, he thinks realistically and said that audiences just come for the entertainment. Sometimes there's that one person who understands and is inspired to do something great, but overall, we are just entertainers. Although I hate to agree with him, he is right. Lee looks at the world from an outside perspective, and that itself is wonderful and unique