CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 05, 2013

Press Release: Annual wats:ON? Festival Begins Thursday, April 4; Focus is on “the Realm of Noise” Via Enhanced Music

Carnegie Mellon News - Carnegie Mellon University: The Jill Watson Festival Across the Arts, will open at 5 p.m., Thursday, April 4, in Kresge Theater in the College of Fine Arts building at Carnegie Mellon University. The festival features six events, ending April 6 with a physical electronic music performance. Curated by Golan Levin, professor and director of the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, and Spike Wolff, an adjunct assistant professor of architecture, the festival will explore the realm of noise through a variety of analog, digital and apparatus-enhanced sound music performances. The event is free and open to the public.


jgutierrez said...

Well, being that I actually do work study in the studio where some of this event is taking place, I have gotten to experience first hand what some of the activities of the event entail. I'm really quite fascinated by what Golan and his associates have put together. They have constructed several, probably close to 15 or so, noise boxes. When a crank is turned on the outside I believe some string vibrates on the inside, emitting a very low pitch but incredibly loud sound. I think the noise boxes are a great way to learn about the physical presence of sound and how the waves are actually quite tangible sometimes. It's interesting to think of the many things floating through our environment that we don't think of.

Ariel Beach-Westmoreland said...

This festival was awesome! Unfortunately I couldn't make it to all of the events, as many of them were during crew hours. I attended the first night - which was a lecture on the origin of noise as music, and then the final evening, a concert by an artist who layered sounds and vocals in order to create music. It was great to be able to see both ends of the festival, the origin and the culmination of the theory.

I'm so glad that the CFA postered adverts for this festival in the School of Drama. It was an awesome free series that made me sad that I haven't attended more of these series over my time at CMU.