CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Epic Production Technologies Announces Redden Awards For Excellence in Lighting Design

Live Design: "Marc Raymond, chairman & CEO of Epic Production Technologies, along with David Johnson, associate publisher/content director for Live Design, has announced that Epic will be sponsoring three major Lighting Design awards to be given at the LDI2009 Awards Ceremony."

1 comment:

MONJARK said...

I am all for honoring a man who has done a lot for the entertainment industry and had worked hard all his life, but I am beginning to feel like there are too many awards out there. Obviously, awards like the Tony's are still much more prestigious and carry more weight, but i feel like the additions of newly created awards act as a way for designers to pad their resumes with awards very few people know of. That is why i am not a fan of new awards in any field.