CMU School of Drama

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Building made from water walls

Boing Boing: "MIT researchers are designing a 'Digital Water Pavillion' for next year's Expo Zaragoza in Spain. The walls of the structure are sheets of water sprayed from suspended pipes. Software-controlled valves enable the valves to be opened and closed with high accuracy to create gaps at very specific locations, forming something like liquid pixels. According to a press release, the liquid surfaces can then become 'a one-bit-deep digital display that continuously scrolls downward.'"


Anonymous said...

Wow... that is just really cool. Innovation in the most unique ways with the our present state of technology can make some amazingly fun stuff. I hope to see that in the not too far distant future...

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine stage with three walls all composed of water and backlit? That would be such an amazing effect.