CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Creative Placemaking by Pillsbury House + Theatre, Minneapolis

HowlRound: We completed our ArtPlace funded Arts on Chicago initiative in June of 2013. Arts on Chicago engaged forty artists in twenty placemaking projects to turn a ten-block stretch of Chicago Avenue into an arts district. It was a massive effort that taught us a lot about what Creative Placemaking means in the context of our South Minneapolis community.

1 comment:

AeonX8 said...

“The ability to engage one’s creativity is transformative for people and is especially critical for people in ‘troubled’ communities.” YES! I get excited and inspired whenever I learn about ‘creative placemaking’ projects like this one initiated by Pillsbury House + Theatre in Minneapolis. Every city has its own personality, so it is helpful to understand how each creative effort harnesses resources in response to either shared or unique challenges. Noel Raymond, Co-Artistic Director of Pillsbury House, does a good job of outlining the process for Arts on Chicago. (Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis, not the City of Chicago in Illinois!)

I may have included this link in a previous post, but it is worth repeating. Creative Time is a great online home base to research amazing art projects galvanizing communities. Their highlighted projects date from 1974 to the present.