CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 31, 2014

Chrome Plug-In Offers A Visual Map Of Your Internet Activity

PSFK: Iconic History is a Chrome extension that visualizes the user’s browser history as a massive series of favicons.
A favicon is that tiny icon associated with a website. It usually shows up on the browser address bar or next to the name of the website in a list. Iconic History displays the favicons of all the sites the user has visited in the past four months in one page. The favicons are sorted based on when the user accessed them.

1 comment:

Philip Rheinheimer said...

This is a really interesting plug-in. Looking at my history the most interesting things are browsing habits. For example, leading up to spring break, I was constantly looking at the honda website and other motorcycle dealerships and then once I bought my bike, I was consistently looking at gear companies. I knew I was looking at these sites but to see it represented visually was really striking. I'm not sure I really see any use for this other than to look at it once, say cool, and delete the plug-in but still, it's a cool concept.