CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 28, 2014

Artist from Rostraver competes on character-building Syfy show

TribLIVE: If Jake Corrick, a Seton Hill University sculpting senior, were to compete on a longtime reality show like NBC's “America's Got Talent” or CBS' “Survivor,” he could watch past seasons and know what's coming as a contestant and get a good idea of how to play the game.
Corrick, however, will be competing in a new, original series on SyFy television called “Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge,” showing off his skills as a builder of monster action figures.


Sarah Keller said...

This show seems so cool! There's a semi-similar show on SciFi already called "Face-Off," which is about creature makeup designers, which is super interesting and I watch regularly. This sounds even cooler- this is something that I'm actually really interested in, although more in theatre than in movies. Although reality TV in general is crazy and probably negative, this seems like it could actually be a great start to some people's careers, getting the exposure that they need. Especially in such a specialized industry, this could be a big break for someone.

simone.zwaren said...

I saw ads for this show and I am really excited to watch it. The difference between a show like this one and say, face off is that the creatures being created have to be independent from people, they are not people in make-up and costumes, but instead they are mechanical creations of their own which I think is really exciting and require such a different set of skills and talent. I cannot imagine being a senior in college then going on a show like this one. It is particularly cool that he was sought after by the show.