CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Researchers Invent Smart Screws That Detect When They're Loose Working to reduce the need for regular inspections of large structures, researchers from the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Internet Technologies CCIT have created a smart self-powered screw that leverages IoT tricks to automatically send out alerts when it detects that it’s become looser than it was on the day it was installed.

1 comment:

DMSunderland said...

It's a great concept and maybe one day we will see something similar to it put to use, but I think this particular iteration of the tech has a long way to go before it is there. I feel that the elements would make quick work of these and you would simply wind up back at square one with having to perform the inspections manually.

I also have concern over the tech itself in the thing. These seem very prone to having somebody just break the load cell off on the head side of the bolt for scrapping purposes. One could easily say the bolt being used for structural applications is still there and doing it's job and removable. But I think that people would break these if they were in easy to access places. I wonder what sort of cost differences would go into incorporating these into a design? I mean, I guess one could reserve these for harder to reach locations in order to speed up inspections. That would be the best of both worlds in my mind.