CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Met Gala Gilded Age Theme: What Was the Era's Fashion Like?

The Mary Sue: The Gilded Age, as it was named by Mark Twain, was roughly between 1870 and 1900. It was a time of rapid economic growth, but also major corruption and the beginning of the major economic imbalance between the wealthiest Americans and the poorest. Women in the Gilded Age took a large role in social movements, and therefore, their clothes changed to reflect that.

1 comment:

Liberty Lapayowker said...

I chose to read this article because I enjoy seeing all my favorite celebrities dress up for themselves (as opposed to playing another character on a screen). The MET Gala also brings a focus to fashion and designers, something I have become very interested in this past year since stage managing a fashion show myself. Being a part of a fashion show gave me an entirely different outlook on “costuming” as it pertains to fashion rather than theatre. It is truly an entirely different process, coming all the way down to the type of stiches being used. I appreciate this article explaining a little bit more about what the theme for this year is and what a historically accurate depiction should entail. In the end, I think everyone attending the MET just likes to have fun with their designers, so I noticed many celebrities making their own definition for how their “look” relates to the Gilded Age theme.