CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Kim Kardashian Should Not Have Worn Marilyn Monroe Dress at Met Gala, Fashion Experts Say At Monday night’s Gilded Glamour-themed Met Gala, Kim Kardashian (and paramour Pete Davidson) swooped onto the red carpet to deliver the most talked-about look of the night. Kardashian arrived in Marilyn Monroe’s original, infamous “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” dress, the skintight and nearly transparent gown she wore to serenade John F. Kennedy, her rumored lover, in 1962.


Jessica Williams said...

I do agree with the majority of what the experts are saying. If the dress had been just any beautiful, vintage dress I probably would not really care at all. However, this specific dress is of actual historical significance and should be in a museum like any military uniforms or any other piece of clothing that can help people better understand the past. I will say, that I understand why Kim Kardashian would want to wear a dress like this. However, the differing body types and measurements between Kim Kardashian and Marilyn Monroe not to mention the fact that this dress is pretty old and thusly more delicate than dresses that are made today. And the fact that it was worn to a party in the first place means that irreversible damage could have seriously been done to the dress. And I will say that even though the dress is beautiful, it wicked did not fit the theme of the Met Gala at all. The dress is not from the same era.

DMSunderland said...

Totally agreed with above. While I personally don't care too much for this object, it seems distasteful to take something of historic value and risk having it damaged or destroyed. Quentin Tarantino shamefully allowing an old as hell prop guitar get destroyed due to set carelessness comes to mind. Anything can happen, but at the end of the day the insurance money can't create a 1:1 replacement for the actual object of historic value. But obviously the dress was worn as a kind of publicity stunt. It simply isn't worth putting these objects at risk. How stupid would it be for any object of significant historic value to be taken to a party where it is ruined by someone just not being careful enough around it. If this object is important enough to keep track of in such a manner that I am currently writing a comment on a blog about it then it should be in a museum.

Andrew Morris said...

I just watched the new Netflix documentary “ Marilyn Monroe” and the unheard tapes. It was so crazy to see the details of the event at Madison Square Garden where Marilyn sing Happy Birthday Mr President and the video that captured her stunning beauty. I find it funny that the article says her “rumored” lover, go watch the documentary on Netflix. I must agree with the majority of public opinion regarding the controversy of why she wore the dress to the Met Gala. Just to start off, the dress clearly does not meet the theme of The Gilded age because the dress was worn in the early 60’s. The body types of Kim Kardashian and Marilyn Monroe and profoundly different and she does not pay respects to the natural beauty that Marilyn was. And yes, the dress has significant historical value and should not have carelessly been worn to a party setting. I have no idea how they let her borrow the dress to be honest, it should be hanging in the Smithsonian museum.