CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

House of Gucci Made Me Love Bad Movie Accents It’s not often that accent coaches make headlines, but when one who worked on the set of The House of Gucci spoke to the Daily Beast last month, she made a swipe that quickly spread around the internet. The accusation levied? That the heavy accent Lady Gaga deploys in the film, which catalogues the fall of the dynasty that founded and initially ran the famed fashion house, “sounds more Russian than Italian.”

1 comment:

Elliot Queale said...

Well, I did talk last week about how I found the accents in this movie laughably bad, and here we are today! Right off the bat I agree, the article notes how many feel that Lady Gaga had more of a Russian accent than an Italian accent. Jared Leto, though, was performing as though he was auditioning for the upcoming Mario movie. The article then goes into a discussion about the use of accents in another film The Last Duel, or lack thereof. In that film, though set in France, there are no realistic accents or attempts at one. Ultimately, the director that time felt that it wasn't vital to the story and would have distracted from it. The notion of forgoing accents all together for movies is a really interesting concept, one that points to the idea that realism in movies doesn't really exist. A consequence of that, though, is that the performers could be freed from putting that much effort into the accent and more work on developing the character. I, for one, think many actors are fully capable of performing with accents. Take Andrew Garfield in tick, tick, BOOM!. His portrayal of Jonathan Larson was impeccable, including his American accent. I think it might be more of a problem with casting the wrong people. It's a tough decision to make for casting agents and directors for sure, but as long as they can exceed the accent game of House of Gucci, I think they're safe.