CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

The Milwaukee M12 Installation Driver - Your Close Quarters Friend There comes a time in every handyperson or mechanic’s life when you have that one fastener that is just out of reach. Or sometimes you can reach it, but just cannot get a good bite on it. Maybe it’s too awkward, or a regular driver won’t fit in the space you have to work with. The Milwaukee Fuel M12 Installation Driver has a knack for tackling those hard-to-reach places.

1 comment:

Julien Sat-Vollhardt said...

This article and the tool it mentions really exemplify how Milwaukee tools is trying to straddle the line between professional workpeople and home gamers working out of their garage. Milwaukee markets themselves as makers of professional products, and many of their tools, like their knockout tools or crimping and cutting tools are priced and marketed towards commercial customers. I would posit, however that most, if not all of their m12 tool line is marketed as professional , but is actually aimed towards the consumer market rather than professional. The m12 line tends to be smaller, more compact t tools with a higher diversity of applications than the m18 line. The drill/driver featured in this article is the tip of the iceberg of extended bit drivers, oscillating multi-toolz, and and extendable camera snake. Far be it from me to suggest that these tools are of low quality, but many of these tools' purposes are very narrow at best. They are analogous to single use kitchen tools such as an avocado slicer or an apple peeler.