CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Headphone Wearing Theatre Audience Experiences Truly Immersive Live Audio Thanks to DPA’s New 4560 Binaural Headset Microphone Nanna-Karina Schleimann has become one of the first sound designers to make use of DPA’s new Binaural Headset Microphone, which gives sound technicians, vloggers, film makes and YouTubers an accurate and reliable tool to capture authentic immersive audio in real time.

1 comment:

Bahaar Esfahani said...

This is really freaking cool! I remember the first time I used headphones on a song that panned from ear to ear, and I think I can peg that as the day my life literally changed forever. Ever since, I'll be listening to something or another where the sound pans, like someone is walking on screen, and I can hear their footsteps move from my left ear, to my right ear, and gone, and it gives me chills and makes my heart drop! It seriously, in those moments, feels like I am right there in that environment. I think the idea of immersive audio is so, so interesting, and I'd really like to experience theatre that way someday! There is something so much different and way more vulnerable when you feel like you're right there in the action. I think that's what makes VR so appealing, too. Every time I experience the media and not just watch it, it really affects me differently and for the better.