CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 11, 2016

6 Tips for Event Managers to Help Combat Stress There are few jobs as stressful as event planning. Don’t take my word for it. Year after year, it finds a home among the top most stressful jobs. Event planners, production managers: anyone responsible for executing a live event has hundreds if not thousands of details to track. And often, very little help to do it. As such, every day has potential for increased stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. So how do you take back control of your work, lower your stress level, and increase productivity?

1 comment:

Annie Scheuermann said...

I highly agree that any kind of live event planner job is a super stressful one. In many ways we are all event planners and managers because we each are responsible for managing our own life, and sometimes its harder than others. I think that production managers are very similar to event planners in many aspects, because both are running the ship and their is a deadline which everything needs to be done and set, then something live for public viewing is going to happen. The ways that the author lists for dealing with the stress of the job are nothing new or original. Whenever you look at ways at how to manage stress they are all the same, take a break and move your body. I think that for people like production managers and stage managers and event planners as important as managing stress is, sometimes these ways are just not possible. I was hoping this article could gives easy and practical ways to manage the stress managers and planners feel.