CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Women’s Voices Theater Festival: A Weekend in the Emerald City

HowlRound: Was it Oz? Well, it took me about as long to recover from my weekend in DC as I imagine it took Dorothy to settle back in to Kansas. I was on a theatre high for weeks after a visit to see as much of the Women’s Voices Theater Festival as I could over three days—which is actually not much given that forty-eight women have new plays in this festival.

1 comment:

Kimberly McSweeney said...

I love the idea of this festival and I’m happy to hear that so many women partook in it to show their works and make statements for all women in society. The topics brought up in these shows really stand out to me because they take classical arts and art forms while applying them all to the lives of young women in theatre. I’m also happy to see the show Animal combatting the topics of mental illness within women, which have been so stigmatized in society for about 200 years. It is important to aid in the legitimacy of women’s health because it has been marginalized from everywhere from med school to the home, to real medical professionals. By combatting the stigmatization of women in the medical fields, the play could open doors for many marginalized women with mental health problems that are deemed as petty or unimportant. I hope this festival will continue to happen and continue to take on difficult issues for a long time.