CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Infographic: Hollywood Sexism On Screen, Behind the Camera

Women and Hollywood


Unknown said...

I've always been aware that women are sexualized on television and get paid less then men, but seeing these numbers now are shocking. I had no idea the highest paid actors were double the amount then the actresses. Women in the industry to the same amount of work, and sometimes more, to get 2x less pay then men? That doesn't make sense to me. Unless it was a difference between roles in the film, women and men shouldn't have a dramatic change in pay. Women are human beings, not pets or sexualized creatures. They are working for money and to receive less than what they are worth. Even models have this problem. They are now focusing on a wider range in height for models and allowing more men to take part in runway, however men are starting to get paid more then women even though women were originally seen as fashion icons. This whole controversy about the gender binary shouldn't effect salary. The industry needs to keep themselves in check.

Sasha Schwartz said...

I feel bad for almost never commenting on the articles on this blog which speak on the blatant sexism in Hollywood/ Broadway, but honestly, I don’t know what else to say. It’s definitely no secret that women always get the short end of the stick in society, and this is nothing but even more obvious in the world of performance and production. Even as a girl growing up in an upper-class town, I face and see sexism on a daily basis, and, from talking to my female friends, I know that they all feel the same way as well. These statistics have been floating around for years, and I don’t know who needs to see them in order for a real, drastic change to be made. At this point in time, if someone claims that sexism doesn’t exist anymore, or that women are treated just the same as men are, I can’t even pause to argue with them, because it is so obvious to me how our entire culture is structured around bringing men up and bringing women down. I would be very surprised to hear from a female student in the school of drama that they don’t see/ experience sexism every day. I think the fact that I don’t at all find these statistics surprising shows how conditioned girls are to see this unfair treatment on a daily basis. It's easy to feel hopeless in situations like this.