CMU School of Drama

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Two ESTA Rigging Working Group Standards Available For Review

Live Design: "Two Rigging Working Group documents dealing with manual rigging systems and fire safety curtain systems are available for public review for free on the ESTA website. The public reviews run through March 17. When March 18 starts, the reviews are over."


BWard said...

these guys sure have been busy writing up these proposals. the one on counterweight systems looks like it could be used as the stagecraft syllabus - it covers essentially everything we learned in class and then goes on to propose possible standars practices

Anonymous said...

The counterweight system standards PDF has really, really scary clauses in it that make me think, who did this to manage to get this clause in here? ..Which is great, because hopefully these standards will actually be followed.

No more threaded sched 40 battens, yay!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bryan. This looks like a good guideline so people know that the people they're working with have at least this knowledge of how things work. The clauses are kind of ridiculous if you think about them hard enough but as Rebecca said, someone had to have done it for it to be there. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they asked for submissions for the system standards. There really is so much going on here, but the fact that there are people who can keep track of all of these things means that there is certainly a very high standard. You really have had to have practice, and experience mistakes for this. Its not just something you can study for.