CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 18, 2008

'Shrek' musical sets Seattle tryout

Variety: "'Shrek the Musical,' the debut production from DreamWorks Theatricals, will have its out-of-town tryout at Seattle's 5th Avenue Theater, running Aug. 14-Sept. 21 before beginning previews on Broadway in November."


NorthSide said...

Ahhhh, the horror!! When will this movie-to-musical fad lighten up? It's officially hit rock bottom with Shrek. Great movie, but some things should be left on DVD. I fear for the future of the Great White Way sometimes. When I go to the theatre, it is to see something fresh and new, not a remake of a another piece of work from another genre.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Nicole. Not every movie with the slightest bit of music is fit for a musical. Shrek was a fun movie, but I fail to see how a musical of it would add anything to the genre at all.

Anonymous said...

At first I agreed that this would not work at all, but after thinking about it some more, I don't think we can fairly jump to that conclusion yet. It all depends on what direction they opt to take the show. If it is a direct reprint of the movie, then yes, this will not work. If they take it in a somewhat more adult direction, then this show could definitely be successful. I know kids will still be the target audience, but the movies (at least the first two) still included many jokes and references that adults could appreciate. With the director of Avenue Q behind the show as well, then it definitely could end up being enjoyable if they are careful.

Anonymous said...

I think Shrek has the potential to be a very appealing piece on Broadway. I will appeal to middle and elementary school children and hopefully they will bring their parents. Wait I think there is a live performance outlet for this type of target audience, Shrek-On Ice!! Aren't shows like this the reason large arena ice shows exist. The allow figure skaters to skate to children's music while wearing big puppet like costumes. This is just the Sesame Street Live for slightly older audiences. Why does this need to become a Broadway show. Please, lets see some original, adult sized musical theatre.

Anonymous said...

It's sad to me to see another movie turning into a movie. Not just because people don't like two versions of things but because it says that the playwrights of this century don't have any creativity left in them. Even though I really hate when film goes to theatre and I don't particularly like Shrek the movie I think that there is potential being that it is the classic tale of good versus evil but a comedy and that when Shrek the movie came out if got critical acclaim which means that not only kids like it (obviously)

Kelli Sinclair said...

I thought the lowest Broadway could go was with Legally Blonde, but this is just something that i never saw coming. Pretty sound everything on Broadway is gonna be based off of a popular high selling movie. Like Nicole said its not fresh or new so what is the point of putting that on? I can see how people might see that Shrek has potentail to actually be good and a hit of Broadway. But I don't see that likely to happen.

BWard said...

the kids probably will not recognize their favorite green monster unless they get the original voice actors to record the script for the show. and it won't look nearly the same as the CGI does, i hope someone in a suit somewhere realizes this. maybe, though, they can get robot actors to do the show?

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Another untold story of the famous fairy tales? I thought we were done with it after Wicked. I know the ending of this story. The producers are going to spend some ridiculous amount of money thinking that hiring the hippest creative team and setting enough stage experience at Seattle would be enough to get them to Broadway. But I'm very sorry that they are about to lose a lot of money. It's just really bad when film or tv productions think making a musical is an easy thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm biased because I didn't even like the movie. I am a little excited to see how much of a wreck this will be, though. Animated films just don't translate to stage. Just look at Disney's latest Broadway disasters. How will the characters even be recognizable without CGI? Not to mention special effects.