CMU School of Drama

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
Monday, January 21, 2008

Choral Tribute to Dr. King
Students from the Schools of Drama and Music will honor the spirit of Dr. King through song, verse and personal interpretation.
Kirr Commons, University Center First Floor

State of Diversity at Carnegie Mellon
Dr. Jared L. Cohon - President, Carnegie Mellon University
McConomy Auditorium, University Center

MLK Day of Service Projects
McKenna Peter Wright Room, University Center

Readings of Creative Works and Presentation of ‘The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Writing Awards’
Local high school students and Carnegie Mellon students will read personal narratives dealing with individual experiences with racial difference and discrimination. The students are recipients of writing awards sponsored by the Carnegie Mellon Creative Writing Program, Student Affairs and Office of the President.
Rangos Hall, University Center

Children’s Programs with Refreshments
Puppet Show with Scott Kuechenmeister-Hall, member of Carnegie Mellon Interfaith Council
Art Gallery, University Center First Floor

Community Conversation: ‘Environmental Justice-Is it Working in Pittsburgh?’
Local professionals who are helping revitalize neighborhoods across Pittsburgh will talk about the issue ofenvironmental justice.

Moderator: Dr. Peter Madsen, Vice Provost for Education, Carnegie Mellon University
Court Gould, Executive Director of Sustainable Pittsburgh
Dr. Stephen B. Thomas, Director, Center for Minority Health and Philip Hallen Professor of
Community Health and Social Justice, Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh
McConomy Auditorium, University Center

Candlelight Procession
Join members of the community to honor the work of Dr. King with a symbolic march for Civil Rights against racial segregation. Let us remember the struggles for freedom and equality through non-violent protest.
Meet in the Lobby of Purnell Center

Keynote Address and Reception
Guest Speaker: Michael Eric Dyson
‘Martin Luther King for the 21st Century: Hip Hop, Environmental Justice and The State of Black America’
Student Speaker: Ashley Renee Brown
Rangos Hall, University Center

Ongoing Exhibits and Activities 12:30-4:30pm

Book Selection
Carnegie Mellon Book Store, University Center
Hunt Library, First Floor

Documentary Films

Heroes, The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 'I Have a Dream'
‘We Shall Overcome’ A History of the Civil Rights Movement
Our Friend, MARTIN
University Center First and Second Floor Lobby Areas

Artwork by students from Linden Academy
Art Gallery, University Center First Floor

There will be no classes after 12:30pm on January 21.
All events are free and open to members of the Carnegie Mellon
and Pittsburgh Communities.
The program is sponsored and funded by the Office of the President and Student Affairs.
For more information, call (412) 268-4886 or visit

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