CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 21, 2008

Gay Jesus play angers Australian church leaders

Yahoo! News: "A controversial play that depicts Jesus being seduced by Judas and conducting a gay marriage for two apostles has been condemned by church leaders ahead of its opening in Sydney.
The Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, expressed his outrage at the plot of 'Corpus Christi' on Sunday, calling the play 'historical nonsense.'"


Anonymous said...

I don't think that any group against this is against it for defacing Jesus. They should just come out with it and say that they are homophobic. They they should get liberated. To me it sounds absolutely ridiculous for people to freak out at a play. Art is supposed to portray artists thoughts and be an expression, it can also be used to bring up debate or address issues. This musical is obviously trying to address the issue of homosexuality and the bible.

Anonymous said...

Well, even if they're not laughing, I am. If the great institution that is organized religion in this world can survive the evils of Harry Potter and the Golden Compass, then I think one play exploring homophobia and its "evils" will not unhinge the sacred foundations. I think the church always wants to be in an uproar about something. Give me a break people, don't agree with it? Don't go see it. Simple as that. But then don't go write books and preach sermons about how bad it is if you've never seen it. That would almost be like common sense or something.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Anglicans are getting angry because of a work of fiction? That's pretty rich.

What's even more depressing is that the playwright is trying to make a legitimate point, and everyone just gets bent out of shape because of gay Jesus. Hopefully the critical acclaim will drown out these homophobic voices.

Anonymous said...

I guess I understand the argument of "slandering" Jesus by making him gay in this play but to be honest why should it make a difference. Like Bart said, I think that too many institutions, particularly religious ones, refuse to come to terms with the fact that sexual orientation doesn't make you a sinner. I think the expression this play is trying to project is a valid point that a lot of people are struggling with right now both in and out of such institutions in the world.

Anonymous said...

I feel like plays like these always deal with enormous amounts of attention and are often not judged for their content of the show. I understand that the topic of the show is controversial enough to talk about, but the article does not mention anything about it, other than it is to make a parallel points with himself, I suppose.

Dave said...

It sounds like this play could have a very good point. A gay Jesus is obviously going to stir up controversy, but you cannot condemn the play while at the same time refusing to see it. See the play, read the script, see if it really "defiles Jesus" or just raises an interesting point today.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why this is worth its own article. Unless it is being performed in a church, it doesn't seem to be all that harmful. Certainly, there are performances that are far more intentional in creating a mockery of religion and other matters of personal preference. If it is going to be so widely offensive, than the lack of attendance would certainly solve this problem and the show would be short lived. Otherwise, this isn't the first offensive piece and it doesn't seem to be intentionally destructive. Not everyone needs to see it.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm. Okay. Gay Jesus, in Australia by a gay playwright. I dont get offended by theatrical works too often, but Judas betrayed Jesus, he didn't sleep with him. Sure they kissed once, but Jesus was going to die. I'd really have to see the play to comment on what I think of it. I guess if it was done well, I could let a rant on Jesus slide, but only if... No I will not see this, I hate the idea, and don't poke fun at my god, I respect yours or your lack of one. gerrr.

Anonymous said...

I do not know which stance to take on this subject manner. I mean my parents are hardcore Christians and they would definitely find this play disgusting and distasteful but I feel like there is a good moral value behind it. I also find it rude to portray what a lot of people find sacred to something that can be laughed about. There are just so many counter arguments in this.

Unknown said...

This show has been angering church leaders and Christian groups for years. I wonder if it's just the same angry people following the production a la the Greatful Dead