CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Think before you stand up "There's a malady sweeping the nation that's highly contagious to concertgoers. It doesn't have a name yet, so let's call it Excessive Ovation Syndrome (EOS for short). Those suffering from it stand and applaud at performances that aren't good enough to deserve such enthusiasm. In extreme cases, they shout “Bravo!” during events that are best forgotten."


Gracie Lewis said...

I've noticed this...I've been to a couple of shows recently that got standing ovations that really didn't deserve it. So, how do you prove that you like a particular show (that's so much better) so much more?

Katherine! said...

WOW! EOS is a very nice title for the obession fo audiences across the nation giving excessive standing ovations. Yes, some shows don't deserve it after mediocore performances, but being on stage myself for concerts and such a standing ovation is always a nice way to know the audience cares. It always gives those on stage a nice warm and fuzzy feeling when their audience stands. So I think Americans should keep on standing and showing appreciation to all the hard work. They have sat long enough, time to get up and show your grateful its over.

Anonymous said...

Ya. This is one of my director's favourite things to rant about. There's a lot of mediocre theatre out there now a days and it is rather awkward when people give a standing ovation that I think is undeserved. But I feel awkward sitting there while everyone else is getting up and clapping and getting ready to go and such.