CMU School of Drama

Monday, May 01, 2006

Animal costumes made from ski-gloves, flippers, tights, etc

Boing Boing


Anonymous said...

Wow, maybe now we can do a show about animals. Oh wait. It would be really funny to use this kind of stuff if maybe there was a musical version of "March of the Penguins." It's amazing how everyday, seemingly boring objects can be turned into animal costumes. -Emily L.

Anonymous said...

animal costumes from found objects seems to be all the rage these days, eh? i thought it was a CMU SOD thing, but perhaps it is more wide-spread. I think work like the new musical, HONK! a few years ago and the incredible popularity and mainstream growth of Julie Taymor's work is really to thank for this surge in interest in creating animals from junk. Is it a fad, or is it here to stay?

Anonymous said...

Its amazing what a little bit of ingenuity and some stockings can do. I wish that we had done something more along the lines of this for Animal Farm last year. I think that these images are much more successful at portraying animals because they are so much more solid and make a true effort to change the shape of the human body into something else. The hardest part of this technique would be making it safe for the actor to wear (visibility issues etc) while not compromising the integrity of the costume.

Anonymous said...

Animal Farm...I bet those actors that have to wear that are cursing that costume desginer. Its cool to look at, but is it really all that comfortable. I wonder if we would design things differently if we had to wear them for four hours at a time. CoughCoughDesigning a costume out of freezerpops CoughCough. Materials being used, such as found objects, can be a SEVERE hinderance in movement...Animal Farm...and, again, are awesome to look at, but not so much fun to wear.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone say Julie Taymor? This is truly genius! It has been awhile since I have seen such a knack for artwork like this. Now I feel like whipping out my brite lite and knex and start building things like i was 2 again...the good old days...