CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Everyday AutoCAD Command Improvements

Tuesday Tips: Welcome to Part 3 in my five-part series exploring the many recent AutoCAD updates designed to enhance your daily user experience. AutoCAD really is getting better all the time. Some longtime users find some improvement a bit jarring, like the introduction of the ribbon interface. (You can always go back to the classic interface. See Video of the Month: AutoCAD 2017 Classic Workspace. Miss It?; Bring Back Dialog Boxes with Classic AutoCAD Commands; and Tuesday Tip: AutoCAD User Interface — Seeing Things Your Way.) But most everyday AutoCAD command improvements are just that: Improvements to the tools you’re already using every day.

1 comment:

Drew H said...

There is so much I still need to learn about autocad to be a fast, competent draftsman. So many tools I never use, so many commands I do not know even exist. So looking at the AutoCAD website really is a useful tool for me to try and expand my cad knowledge. I just wish they used videos. I have watched a lot of Lynda videos for AutoCad (and vectorworks…) and they are great. I would love the autocad site to continue showing me different features I did not know, but the narrative and pictures don’t necessarily help me understand what the command does or how to access it. For example, there is a calculator function in autocad that I did not know about until reading this article, but I still have no idea how to access it. If I had a video of someone doing the steps to open the command and enter a function then I don’t know how I wouldn’t be able to copy those steps.