CMU School of Drama

Monday, May 07, 2012

Measure Twice, Cut Once: The Importance of Project Planning Over the weekend, I completed a repair on an XBOX 360 with red rings. The project was a success and I thought a lot about how I approached this project — and how it could have gone better.

1 comment:

Jason Cohen said...

I personally feel that this is a great article. This is because it acts as a reminder to us. People are always forgetting to give yourself the most time in a project, have a clean workspace, and being organized. I can vouch for the fact that every time i've had to restart a project it is because I didn't do one of these things. Yes, you are probably thinking, "WOW! This kid is pretty stupid." And, I did feel stupid because these are so common sense things! However, when a mistake is made it is important to just start over, and learn from your mistakes.

In the end this is a two part PSA. First, as this article reminds us plan ahead in every way. Second, learn from your mistakes don't just throw them away. A combination of both of these is what makes us successful!