CMU School of Drama

Monday, May 07, 2012

In Prison, Play With Trial at Its Heart Resonates On a December night in 1991, the man who would later play Jesus committed a string of armed robberies in New Orleans. Ten years later, the woman who would play the Virgin Mary robbed a Mexican restaurant across town. A month after that, a teenager killed his girlfriend and infant daughter. He would go on to play Joseph.

1 comment:

Bahaar Esfahani said...

This article was so incredible and so mesmerizing!! I so badly wish I could write about such fascinating people like this. I'm excited about this article right off the bat because it's about the prison Angola, which is also the subject of a documentary The Farm: Angola, USA. I think it's so interesting that the women in the play travel 1 hour and 40 minutes to get to rehearsals and that they've been rehearsing for 2 years! In regard to the set designer who shot his coworker, I thought it was so crafty that he made the set out of found items like PVC pipes and tires. Also, the director/runner of the drama club, Gary Tyler, has the most interesting story about his life sentence. The fact that he doesn't like to talk about it makes me sad. I looked him up, and I'm relieved to say that he got released 4 years after this article was written under a plea deal that would involve him confessing to manslaughter (which he had already served double the maximum sentence for). I find his story so sad but am happy for its ending, though it came way too late to be considered fair.