CMU School of Drama

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alice through the modem "In a theatre in Orlando, Lewis Carroll's Alice steps into the legendary rabbit hole. Moments later, she steps out - in Waterloo, Ont. Minutes later, she somehow emerges again, this time in Peoria, Ill.
Welcome to one of the most ambitious, experimental theatre projects ever conceived - Alice (Experiments in Wonderland) - a multipoint telematic performance for children and adults."


Anonymous said...

Once I figured out what this was it supprised me that Carnegie Mellon was not involved. In fact I hope this is the "funky, out of the box" theatre piece that we undertake next year. Why not? CMU certainty has the technology background, and this seems like a perfect opportunity to collaborate with some people from the school of Computer Science. I also think it is very cool that the play no only uses the internet to link different casts, and audiences, but that the context of the play revolves around the internet. Playground piece??

Dave said...

I am still a little confused on how exactly the casts are linked, if there are full three casts, can you just watch the other two casts in addition to the live one in front of you?
The use of new kinda of technology in the theatre are always welcome, but we have to keep reminding ourselves to be carefull and not let the acting and human interaction take the back seat.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! What is happening?! I am still so confused with this concept. What is being linked? And why again? As Teddy said, if it is this related to technology, I am also surprised that CMU isn’t somehow involved. But I wish I understood even the basics of what is going on, because I am sure it could be quite fascinating.