CMU School of Drama

Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Mermaid": When you see it, tell us about it here

The Denver Post: "This entire run in Denver is considered a development, or 'preview' period. It's about testing and tinkering in advance of December's Broadway opening. So the show may change vastly between now and September. That's one reason critics are not allowed to review the show during its first month. Until then, the show must be allowed to find its (sea) legs. The Denver Post's review is scheduled to appear Aug. 26."


Ethan Weil said...

This is an interesting format. In fact, I would prefer if they structured reviews for other shows like this, giving ordinary viewers some input. They ought to be, after all, the point of the show, not the reviewers.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure of I'd trust the Neanderthals in such a backwater community to come up with a valid opinion of the show.

David said...

Really? Denver? Are you sure? I've been there and they have electricity and indoor plumbing and everything. "Backwater" is probably a little harsh.